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Hello and welcome to EmpowHer,
First of all I want to say how sorry I am to hear how this has caused you stress and effected your sex life. I hope my advice will help you get things back on track.
Taking antibiotics usually causes a delayed period, not prolonged bleeding. So, it is not likely caused by the medication.
There are many causes for prolonged bleeding which can include:
--uterine fibroids, polyps, or cysts
--pelvic inflammatory desease
--temporary hormonal imbalances
--if cause of prolonged bleeding cannot be found doctors can diagnose it as dysfunctional uterine bleeding or DUB.

Prolonged bleeding does not necessarily mean you have a horrible illness or dangerous disease. Often times a pap smear can show normal results. In that case, most doctors say its due to DUB or hormonal imbalances and offer birth controls to get your period by on track.

For now, watch for signs such as fever, and itching or burning sensations in the vaginal area. Go to the ER if you have fever and cold sweats.
Below I have pasted a link the a HER article that talks more about possible causes for having prolonged vaginal bleeding:
I hope that helps.

February 28, 2016 - 2:54pm


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