Michele, you obviously don't understand chronic pain. Before one can even get an appointment with a pain management clinic or Doctor, we have already jumped them the hoops of physical therapy, tens unit's, massage therapy, which is Not Covered by insurance. Exercise routines, Tylenol, Aspirin, Motrin, Naprosin. Also acupuncture, mind therapy, a doc to check out our minds, are we faking it? Compounded medications, If insurance will pay. Then the pain management doc try's these procedures... Spinal injections, abulation, injections which deadens the nerve... Until it rerouted itself and causes pain worse than the original. By this point, most family and friends have stopped calling and caring, they know you don't feel well, but look normal. Society labels you as a faker, lazy, and depression has set in. It goes hand in hand w/pain. We keep trying to pick up the pieces of our lives. It is so difficult to want to be with people, when you hurt 24/7 and are always seeing doctors, having tests and no one helps or seems to care. Walk a day in my shoes... You probably won't make it until lunchtime. This pain world sucks, and special people now don't let doctors help, even if something might help, their hands are forbidden to even attempt it, in fear of losing their MD license.
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Michele, you obviously don't understand chronic pain. Before one can even get an appointment with a pain management clinic or Doctor, we have already jumped them the hoops of physical therapy, tens unit's, massage therapy, which is Not Covered by insurance. Exercise routines, Tylenol, Aspirin, Motrin, Naprosin. Also acupuncture, mind therapy, a doc to check out our minds, are we faking it? Compounded medications, If insurance will pay. Then the pain management doc try's these procedures... Spinal injections, abulation, injections which deadens the nerve... Until it rerouted itself and causes pain worse than the original. By this point, most family and friends have stopped calling and caring, they know you don't feel well, but look normal. Society labels you as a faker, lazy, and depression has set in. It goes hand in hand w/pain. We keep trying to pick up the pieces of our lives. It is so difficult to want to be with people, when you hurt 24/7 and are always seeing doctors, having tests and no one helps or seems to care. Walk a day in my shoes... You probably won't make it until lunchtime. This pain world sucks, and special people now don't let doctors help, even if something might help, their hands are forbidden to even attempt it, in fear of losing their MD license.
March 18, 2016 - 8:36pmThis Comment