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EmpowHER Guest

Melissa, I am the author of the above commentary, and for what it's worth, I chose to post anonymously because of the stigma that is often associated with the use of opiods even when prescribed by one's physician. Regardless, I did want to add that I have tried the TENS device and therapies on several occasions. I have been to numerous Phyical Therapists through the years as well. My physician has also attempted the use of accupunction as well. My phyician is a product of Duke's medical program with multiple specializations including Pain Management and Pain Medicine. I have turned down Oxycontin and Fentanyl in the past as while they are suggested for my condition they work too well and I like to feel some pain so I don't risk damaging myself further doing a physical activity that could worsen my condition. My concern with the government's involvement in something such as pain management is that each patient in individual and so is their pain. Without my meds, I would not be able to be involved in my children's lives, nor able to help out my spouse as one should. Whe someone suffers pain at these levels, there is great depression associated with it when there is no relief. I have talked to other patients in my circle, and they have indicated everything from buying illegal drugs to losing their desire for living should they be forced to go without their therapy and no longer have their pain relieved. Trust me, nobody who finds themselves on an opiate therapy wants to be there. It's the end of the line after everything else has been tried. Nothing is more depressing than under going multiple surgeries that do not work, and with the costs of healthcare today, I have known folks who have had to sell their homes! Don't get me wrong, I am a compassionate person and I feel for the lives of addicts and their families who are drug abusers, but why should we sacrifice the care of good citizens and make them suffer, or worse, for the actions of addicts who abuse these drugs and suffer the consequences. Regards the suggestion of NSAIDs, it's right there with the other methods towards pain relief mentioned above, if they worked than the problem would be solved. Nobody, except addicts who have mental health issues similar to alcoholics, would want to live on opiates if they hadn't already tried NSAID options as well. Sincerely. F.R.

March 19, 2016 - 6:37pm


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