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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

I'm not sure if you have a real fear of sex or you're just not ready.

Get your mother out of the scenario - you're young but you're still a grown woman; your personal life is your own. Don't let her discuss this with you, cut her off straight away and tell her it's as inappropriate for her to discuss your love life as it would be for you to discuss hers. Get your mom our of your head and tell her your personal life is a no-no when it comes to discussions. Ask her why she's so sex obsessed - tell her you're worried about her!

People who live together do a lot more than have sex like rabbits. They work, go out, do housework and pay bills.

Sex isn't an all-or-nothing thing. It seems you're just not ready and that's fine. If your boyfriend is ok with it and you are, then let nature take it's course and don't over-analyse it. Your love life is nobody else's business and it doesn't matter what anyone else does - they not thinking about you, I promise! I have learned in life that people think and talk about us far less than we think.

It sounds like you're trying to play a part - maybe due to what you see online or what you watch on TV. Or what you think is normal. It's all normal - we're all unique. Give the thoughts about "could I? should I?" alone for a while and enjoy life. Get on with life. Sex will happen organically. Right now you're making it a "thing" when it doesn't have to be. And when you become sexually active, you might even wonder what all the fuss was about!

August 22, 2017 - 2:04pm


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