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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thank you for writing.

For the benefit of our readers, A boil is a red, swollen, painful bump under the skin that is caused by an infection. Boils often start in an infected hair follicle. Bacteria form an abscess or pocket of pus. Eventually, the pus may come to a head and drain out through the skin. Boils can occur anywhere, but common sites include the face, neck, armpits, buttocks, groin, and thighs.

There are several types of boils:

Furuncle or carbuncle—an abscess caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, sometimes occurs as several boils in a group
Pilonidal cyst—an abscess that occurs in the crease of the buttocks almost always require medical intervention
Cystic acne—an abscess that occurs when oil ducts become clogged and infected, more common in the teenage years
Hidradenitis suppurativa—an uncommon disorder where multiple abscesses occur in the armpit and groin area.

Anon, boils start off hard and become softer all the time so I'm not sure what is happening with your boil unless it isn't a boil.

If it is a boil:

Your doctor can drain the boil if necessary and treat the infection with antibiotics.

Home treatment may include:

Warm Compresses
Apply warm compresses to the boil for 20 minutes, 3-4 times a day. Depending on the area of the body affected, you may be able to soak the boil in warm water. These measures can ease the pain and help bring the pus to the surface. Once the boil comes to a head, repeated soakings will help the boil begin to drain.

Lancing the Boil
Do not pop or lance the boil yourself. This can spread the infection and make it worse. If the boil does not drain on its own or it is very large, you may need to have it drained or lanced by your doctor.

Cleaning and Bandaging
Whether the boil drains on its own or was lanced by a doctor, you must keep it clean. Wash it with antibacterial soap and apply a medicated ointment and bandage. Clean the affected area 2-3 times a day until the wound heals completely.


November 15, 2018 - 3:54pm


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