If you have your period, there is no reason to think you are pregnant. As I have mentioned to you before, taking emergency contraception when it's not necessary will only cause unnecessary side effects. The likelihood of getting pregnant right before your period (2 days in this case) is extremely low as it's safe to assume that your ovulation has already occurred. Moving forward, since pregnancy is a concern, don't have sex at any time without protection.
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Hello, again Amanda1230912
Thank you for posting.
If you have your period, there is no reason to think you are pregnant. As I have mentioned to you before, taking emergency contraception when it's not necessary will only cause unnecessary side effects. The likelihood of getting pregnant right before your period (2 days in this case) is extremely low as it's safe to assume that your ovulation has already occurred. Moving forward, since pregnancy is a concern, don't have sex at any time without protection.
September 22, 2019 - 5:34pmThis Comment