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(reply to Teathyme)

Hi Teathyme,
I'm so happy that you are getting better and regaining some of your mobility. I know the frustration you are going through, I'm sure you feel like you should be further along. I felt the same way. I had my ankle fusion back in 2006 and believe it or not, my ankle still looks swollen - not as bad as after the surgery but it still looks "puffy." And the swelling gets worse if I'm on it a lot (standing or walking). Which still requires me to ice and take a pain pill if needed. You do get us to the weird feeling you are describing but can't say it goes away (or at least not for me). I took pain pill for almost a year as needed. I really needed them after surgery and then when I was in physical therapy. I still take ibprofen for the pain and swelling and that helps so I don't have to take the strong pain meds.
I know it's been a long road but sounds like your on the right path. It took me about a year to feel like I was walking better and managing my pain. Not sure what type of shoes you are wearing but those do make a difference as well. I wear MBT shoes but anymore you can find things with a rocker bottom. Seems like all the name brands are coming out with them know - shape up shoes.
I hope this helps some and encourages you to know that things do get better it's just a long recovery process.

Take care,

July 20, 2010 - 6:20pm


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