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My husband once shared with me something that one of his political science professors said are the three things that all humans need to be mindful of -- responsible birthing, responsible living and responsible death. All three should be considered within the context of quality, Professor Pointy Beard said. It seems to be that Slow Medicine falls into that last category and I'm inclined to follow suit. I know that if I live to be in my 80s or 90s, right now, I'm inclined to think that's enough.

It's interesting that a doctor is turning the concept of surgery on its head. These days, especially with the rise of cosmetic -- aka elective surgery-- there seems to be the mind set that some surgery is not elective -- such as heart surgery in your 80s .... Slow Medicine seems to ask -- as an 90-year-old woman, do you really need that heart surgery -- making a procedure that many would consider basic and necessary seem elective. Thought provoking, for sure.

And bravo, Katharine to you and your mother for being proactive about your health wishes! It's an example I should follow.

May 5, 2008 - 2:49pm


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