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EmpowHER Guest

I am the one that wrote earlier about the support groups.
I do take meds for my RLS. I have tried all the "new" RLS meds from Mirapex, Requip to cymbalta, Lyrica, and a list tooo long to type. The only meds that stop my severe RLS are opiate pain meds. More and more, people are finding out that these Parkinson's meds that were pushed on to doctors and us by the drug companies, After a while they turn into a nightmare of their own. I am not saying that they never work, but It is looking more and more like they only work for a short period of time, as in the Carb/levo, too. Many RLS patients are finding they have to take a drug holiday from Mirapex or Requip, because they stop working.Then after a few days off from them, or up to 2 weeks, they can restart them. I am not happy with the side effects of them, which is why I cannot take them. The only meds that work for me are opiates or Tramadol, a synthetic opiate.
RLS is very hard to treat for a lot of people, and the TV commercials for these drugs make it look all too easy.
I heard today of a man who was in a mental hospital for 9 yrs, and it turned out his only problem was RLS, and when he got the right meds and the right doctor he was diagnosed and treated and released! This was in the 90's!! So, getting the word out to anyone who will listen is worth it.

February 12, 2009 - 1:16pm


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