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(reply to Anonymous)

I'm glad you found this site! We are not able to diagnose, but if your pediatrician says that your daughter sounds fine, then I'm sure she is. You can always make an appointment to have her checked out for your piece of mind.

The symptoms that you describe your daughter having are exactly the same as my son's, who was "diagnosed" with Roseola. (I say "diagnosed", because there was no diagnostic test). Roseola is a viral infection, as is the "common cold", influenza and many other childhood illnesses. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done with these types of viral infections except time for the immune system to fight the virus, and we can just treat the symptoms to help our kiddos feel better. If her rash is not itchy, and is not bothering her; she is eating & drinking with no change in her diaper "activity"...then we can just help the symptoms of stuffy noses, headache, fever...per your pediatrician's recommendations of over-the-counter medications specifically made for children.

It is now Tuesday, and I'm wondering if your daughter's rash (that began on Friday) is gone? Any changes over the weekend?

August 18, 2009 - 11:44am


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