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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I have been weaning myself also. Was taking up to 8 Excedrin/day. Now I am pretty much off Excedrin and just take a couple of aspirin. Today I just took one aspirin, and went to the chiropractor (had an appointment anyway for back), who helped me somewhat. My kidney levels are off, and my doc said that I HAVE to get off the Excedrin. Have taken it for 30 years, same as others here (would get a migraine if I didn't take it). I remember when I was expecting my second baby I had a migraine for 3 weeks. Couldn't take anything for it and was miserable, despite massages and physical therapy. But after that, I only got migraines if I didn't get enough sleep. Then over the years I started having to take more Excedrin again. At first I thought that maybe it was a hormonal thing since most of the migraines stopped after that terrible 3-week period. Now I think that my drastic decrease in migraines may have been because I went 'cold turkey' in getting off of it. I am going to get off even the one aspirin within a week, and if need be, go to an urgent care center if I get a migraine. Caffeine helps, but I don't take too much. Need to get off of that too (have never been a coffee drinker, but had tons of Coke Zero/Diet Coke until the past year). Ahhh --- paying for poor health habits is catching up with me. Had a friend die of taking Excedrin like we do. :(

February 12, 2016 - 3:00pm


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