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When did it become acceptable to have stray needles and screws left inside a body after a surgery? Would you be OK with taking your car for an oil change and the mechanic dropping some extra parts into the radiator, only to have you wonder why it blew up down the road?

None of this is ok. And why are we even entertaining the thought of mandating that we be told if something was left inside?

It shouldn't happen in the first place!

How about holding surgical staff to a professional standard of taking responsibility for a complete 'job well done' by tracking the inventory of instruments and equipment present and used during a given ER procedure?

With all our advancements, i find it disconcerting how simple things, like attention to detail, slip through the cracks.

Kristin Mills, Traditional Naturopath, CNHP

June 16, 2008 - 6:07pm


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