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EmpowHER Guest

Thank you for your share anonymous. I had the opportunity to live in Germany for two years and medical care in each country is certainly different and I will agree with anonymous on the fact that I think American Doctors tend to over indulge in unnecessary testing. Most women from Germany that I spoke to were amazed also by the amount of exams we (as Americans) were subjected to annually. This is not common practice worldwide. The motivation is another topic all together.

I am not sure that a list will be an easy way to answer the above question for the simple reason that genetics and family history will play a role in what you should be routinely checked for. See, in my family, breast cancer is very high. I started getting mammograms at age 25. This is only because of my family history.

As for the other things, I have great teeth and always have and do not regularly visit the dentist. I go when there is something wrong. Call me crazy. As for regular testing, I get my annual exam with the gyno and started getting tested for cholesterol just recently since I guess you are supposed to have this test taken after you turn 30.

Other than these things, the physicians don't see me unless I need them. Be certain to talk to your physician about your family history and add that to your list. I think that would be very important.

November 8, 2009 - 10:35am


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