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It started with sever pelvic pain a couple of montha after having my appendix removed, but immediatly after the surgery, they told me that they cut too deep. Instantly noticed that right under the scar where they cut me, my bowles seemed to buldge, now I have had constant dirarreha for several months, they said I have colitis, and am going for a colonoscopy next week. but a couple of months ago this severe very low pelvic pain began, then I started getting pain in the groin area, then burning and tingling spots all the way down both of my legs, now its not just tingling, and burning, it is very painfull and I cannot walk but for a few minutes, and my legs get so weak that I sometimes just have to sit down no matter where I am at. Then the pelvic pain increases. This is so severe I do not walk more than I have to, and even then it is very difficult, I don't know what doc to see about this, it feels as if the blood flow to my legs is blocked.

September 10, 2009 - 10:30pm


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