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I am all for Kegel exercises as "pelvic fitness", but do not need to pay someone $150 to tell me to do them at this store: you can do them for free!

And as for pelvic "rejuvenation" at this store, I think this is awful! Another part of our bodies are not the way they are supposed to look?! The store makes it look all cute and fun: "hey, ladies! Stop in and get your vulva cut with a laser so that it is 'contoured to a plump firmness'" (their words, not mine).

This store is calling their services genital "rejuvenation", which to me, sounds similar to genital "modification" and genital "mutilation" (of course, with the women's consent: I am not referring to the religious and cultural influences and oppression of FGM).

The standard of practice in medicine is to "not cause harm", and surgically "modifying" the female genitalia can cause some serious short- and long-term health consequences, not even mentioning the societal impact. What are female genitalia "supposed" to look like, if no woman is happy or content or pleased with how hers looks?! Seriously, is anyone happy with this part of their body? If not, why not? Where did you hear messages from that there is something "not right" about it. Do men have these same issues?

I believe this store is playing into women's fears about what the perfect genitalia should look like, just as we do every other part of our body. I wish there were more stores opening up helping women be HAPPY about their bodies, their mind, their spirit and soul instead of trying to change every part of us! ugh!

July 3, 2008 - 2:28pm


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