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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

"It can be cool outside but if sun is shining on my head it will cause the headache. If I am in a hot room as I stated before, I get the headache (so I know it isn't the sun alone). I though am not forty, only 29 and have had this since elementary school."

This is my exact situation except I'm 22. My doctor said it's dehydration but I drink heaps of water, take a drink bottle everywhere and take sips regularly rather than big drinks less frequently and avoid heat because I get dehydration headaches too, but the headaches from my head being exposed to heat (especially direct sun, i.e. going from shade to having to wait for the green walking man at a pedestrian crossing is all it takes, that couple minutes of sun before reaching the shade on the other side- I can feel my hair heating up and the headache developing there and then) are a different feeling entirely.

February 9, 2015 - 4:09pm


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