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I also had braces in my late 20's, because my childhood dentist had told my parents that I should wait until then, since my teeth were still moving and probably would into college. It was sound advice, but I appeared on my wedding day in full metal jacket - on my teeth, lol! The timing just happened that way.

As it was, it took several years, yes, you saw that right, because my teeth continued to move well into my 30's. In fact, they moved even after the bands and retainer were no more, and I've seriously considered having Invisaligns done. My father even had his teeth realigned in his 50's.

I absolutely hated the tightenings and had major headaches, to say nothing about how my jaw felt. The football style mouth guard of a retainer was no fun, either. My dentist assures me that Invisaligns are not painful.

My daughter's going to have them done (she's in her 20's). So, I guess I'll hear from her whether they hurt.

April 8, 2008 - 5:13pm


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