I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in 2007 and was prescribed a straight CPAP machine. From the first night I used the CPAP I suffered from excessive gas. Several medical "experts" told me I was swallowing air and I should raise my head or take something for the gas. I changed masks (full-face, partial, nasal prong). I got a heated humidifier. Nothing worked. After further reading I found that it isn't aerophagia but gastric insufflation caused when the CPAP blows air directly into my stomach (I also have a hiatal hernia). Surgery for my apnea is out of the question. I have TMJ so that eliminates an oral appliance. Would changing the type of CPAP work? If so, what should I be looking at?
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I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with your therapy for your sleep apnea. It's unfortunate that you aren't a good candidate for corrective surgery.
My daughter is a sleep apnea patient, but was able to undergo the surgery to correct her deviated septum. Her doctor considered the CPAP as a last resort, if all other efforts were not successful. She was on the CPAP during her sleep test and had no problems.
You said "medical experts" suggested you were taking in, I'm assuming too much, air. Have you actually conferred with your ENT about your discomfort and possible solutions?
We do have some information on empowHer that may interest you:
Reference: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
April 28, 2009 - 7:13pmIn His Own Words: Living with Sleep Apnea
Other Treatments for Sleep Apnea
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