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Is it normal for my arm muscle in my shoulder to hurt 2 weeks after flu shot?

By December 7, 2008 - 7:32am
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Pain from flu shot

I was happy to receive the flu shot this year, as I feel like it's "doing my part" to stop the spread of the influenza virus. Plus, any inoculation that can either prevent, or lessen the symptoms, of flu is motivation to me!

I've received the flu shot annually, for the past 10 years. I have the typical soreness at site, possibly a little tired that evening. But that's it.

This year...my shoulder muscle (at the site of the injection) is still painful, so much that I can't move my arm forward at shoulder-level, or lift my arm up over my head, without a sharp pain in that one muscle. If my arm is still, it does not hurt. It is affecting my sleep, as I am confined to sleeping on only my right side (it is my left arm that hurts).

Are there any other reports of this flu shot symptom? Did I just not move my arm enough after the shot (kind of "favored it"), or is there something else wrong??

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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I had flu jab on Oct 2nd and pain ever since like everyone is reporting. Had a cortisone injection at doctor's two weeks ago and it helped a lot but has now worn off and it's as painful as ever. Am having another cortisone injection next Tuesday as doctor says it sometimes helps to do it in a slightly different place.

December 2, 2014 - 1:44pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous:
I'm a board certified internist and pediatrician. Over the past several years I got the flu shot however 3yrs ago after getting a flu shot the injection site swelled, I developed a large bruise and then what is called "petechia" at any rate, the pain was so intense my doctor and i thought I may have a "septic joint" but after a CT scan of my shoulder and an MRI, it appeared that I had "acute tendonosis" which is just an "inflamed tendon" in my shoulder. Like you, I had trouble raising my arm and getting dressed. I had to modify how I slept, using a pillow to prop my arm. We tried a litany of medications from steroids to NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs....Motrin, Naproxen, etc....... and even hydrocodone which only helped me sleep.

There is a government program "VAERS" or Vaccine Adverse Event Report at: https://vaers.hhs.gov/index

In order to file a claim, you have to have had symptoms for at least 6 months. Keep track of everyday that you experience pain and/or how it is causing limitations to your everyday work/activities, or if you missed work or had to quit work.

My severe symptoms lasted for 2yrs, and now 3yrs later the pain is very minimal, and the pain has extended to my thumb, I wear a special thumb brace (thumb spicca) purchased at walmart, this splint helped relieve the pain by immobilizing movement, and after a few days, my thumb would be fine for another 1 -2 wks, then back wearing the splint.

I filed a claim after 18 months of PAIN....the claim was denied, by sheer luck I got an attorney to represent me and so a "tort" was filed against the Dept of Health and Human Services. A tort claim---- (basically saying that DHHS has to pay me $125,000.00 or if they don't pay, then we will file a law suit) ------was finally filed 9 months later (so by this time I've had intense pain for 2.5yrs). There was a pretty quick response, and DHHS was offering to "settle" and they offered me $110,000.00 which was $100,000.00 for pain and suffering and $10,000.00 for out of pocket expenses. I accepted this offer and received a check from my attorneys for $75,000 (attorney got 40% contigency)

So, first I would get a calendar and write everyday what is occurring regarding you pain, do you have any bruising? Petechia (red spots....google "petechia" and you'll see what they look like),
document what treatments you've tried, or doctor treatments, but I will tell you that I had 3 steroid shots and they did nothing. Steroid pills did nothing,

There are a number people with the exact same type of pain that you are suffering

At any rate, the pain from the flu shot is REAL!!!!! and since you're having and extended amount of pain from the flu shot, you probably can never get another flu shot? I never get the flu shot however I keep the medication "Tamiflu" which is medication designed to help decrease flu symptoms.

Good luck

November 8, 2014 - 3:43am
EmpowHER Guest

I got my flu shot last week and am still having pain in my left arm. I can move it fine but when I use my arm muscles or lay on my left arm it hurts really bad. My coworkers got the shot at the same time so I asked today if anyone else was still having pain and they weren't. Which is why I googled it and came across this. Never have I had pain after a flu shot for this long. I heard on the news they added a 4th virus to the flu shot this year. Maybe that's the cause?

October 28, 2014 - 5:35pm
(reply to Anonymous)

Hello Anonymous:
I'm a board certified internist and pediatrician. Over the past several years I got the flu shot however 3yrs ago after getting a flu shot the injection site swelled, I developed a large bruise and then what is called "petechia" at any rate, the pain was so intense my doctor and i thought I may have a "septic joint" but after a CT scan of my shoulder and an MRI, it appeared that I had "acute tendonosis" which is just an "inflamed tendon" in my shoulder. Like you, I had trouble raising my arm and getting dressed. I had to modify how I slept, using a pillow to prop my arm. We tried a litany of medications from steroids to NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs....Motrin, Naproxen, etc....... and even hydrocodone which only helped me sleep.

There is a government program "VAERS" or Vaccine Adverse Event Report at: https://vaers.hhs.gov/index

In order to file a claim, you have to have had symptoms for at least 6 months. Keep track of everyday that you experience pain and/or how it is causing limitations to your everyday work/activities, or if you missed work or had to quit work.

My severe symptoms lasted for 2yrs, and now 3yrs later the pain is very minimal, and the pain has extended to my thumb, I wear a special thumb brace (thumb spicca) purchased at walmart, this splint helped relieve the pain by immobilizing movement, and after a few days, my thumb would be fine for another 1 -2 wks, then back wearing the splint.

I filed a claim after 18 months of PAIN....the claim was denied, by sheer luck I got an attorney to represent me and so a "tort" was filed against the Dept of Health and Human Services. A tort claim---- (basically saying that DHHS has to pay me $125,000.00 or if they don't pay, then we will file a law suit) ------was finally filed 9 months later (so by this time I've had intense pain for 2.5yrs). There was a pretty quick response, and DHHS was offering to "settle" and they offered me $110,000.00 which was $100,000.00 for pain and suffering and $10,000.00 for out of pocket expenses. I accepted this offer and received a check from my attorneys for $75,000 (attorney got 40% contigency)

So, first I would get a calendar and write everyday what is occurring regarding you pain, do you have any bruising? Petechia (red spots....google "petechia" and you'll see what they look like),
document what treatments you've tried, or doctor treatments, but I will tell you that I had 3 steroid shots and they did nothing. Steroid pills did nothing,

There are a number people with the exact same type of pain that you are suffering

At any rate, the pain from the flu shot is REAL!!!!! and since you're having and extended amount of pain from the flu shot, you probably can never get another flu shot? I never get the flu shot however I keep the medication "Tamiflu" which is medication designed to help decrease flu symptoms.

Good luck

November 8, 2014 - 11:03am
EmpowHER Guest

I had my flu shot this morning. I didn't feel the needle go in, but I did feel the injection of the vaccine. My arm hurt immediately and hasn't stopped. It's been 3.5 hours. The pain radiates all the way down to my fingers. I've been on google, and basically this is so common there's a name for it. SIRVA: Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccination Administration. What happens is if the needle is too high on your shoulder, it can hit a bursa sac instead of your muscle. If you've been having pain for a while, and your doctor doesn't believe you. Research the injury. You might need an MRI, and you can also file a claim under the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Event. I don't write this to worry anyone, it's more to let you know you're not crazy. I'm praying this is just an anomaly for me, but if not, I'm going to my doctor armed with information. Good luck!

October 28, 2014 - 11:30am
EmpowHER Guest

I got my flu shot at a grocery store pharmacy on October 17th. I heard a sound when the needle was inserted and was shocked to find the bandage placed high on my shoulder that evening. The pain started that evening and at first I attributed it to normal flu shot pain. However, the pain is still intense awaking me at night, and absolutely excruciatingly painful and stiff upon awakening. I have a limited range of motion in that arm now. Putting on a jacket is very painful.

October 27, 2014 - 12:11pm
EmpowHER Guest

I also had my flu shot about 3 days ago and my arm hurts so bad still that I have been unable to sleep at night. Have had then before and have never had this problem. Wondering if it was worth it this year!

October 27, 2014 - 3:34am
EmpowHER Guest

I've heard of many people not getting the flu shot because of how sick it makes them. This is not the case for me. I've been getting annual flu shots for the past 7 years and every time I'm left with horrible pain in my arm for weeks. I guess different people have different reactions. I'm so surprised to find all of you with the same issue as I am sitting here with this pain my arm from a shot two days ago. I am sure that next year I will be in this same situation.

October 26, 2014 - 2:04pm
EmpowHER Guest

I'm having the a horrible pain in shoulder and arm 8 days after flu shot. I'm surprised a lot of people are experiencing this too. I felt warming in my arm as it was administered and it got worse. With past shots I forget about them later that day, not this one.....when will it get better and why is it so painful this year?

October 25, 2014 - 5:43pm
EmpowHER Guest
Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I wish I knew why it was so painful! It's horrible! I've been suffering for almost 6 weeks now! I've been to the doctor three times and still don't have any answers! I'm waiting on a referral to a neurologist to see if I have nerve damage now. I feel silly, but I know this isn't normal!

October 25, 2014 - 7:15pm
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