I shared a list of food to avoid if you are depressed in another post, but here are some foods that should be included in your diet, according to "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Depression," by Michael B. Schachter, M.D.

1) Sugars – Limit these to natural sugars and eat them in moderation.

2) Fats - There are some healthy fats, like Omega 3, 6 and 9. I would suggest taking a vitamin supplement and make sure you buy only low-fat foods and eat fats in moderation.

3) Whole fruits and vegetables - These have vitamins, minerals, carbs and fiber.

4) Whole grains and cereals - These have complex carbs.

5) Beans, legumes, nuts and seeds - These are important sources of protein (and good for vegetarians).

6) Eggs and dairy - These have protein, calcium and other nutrients. Organic products are suggested in order to avoid pesticides, antibiotics, etc.

7) Organic meats and poultry - This is a source of methionine, which is supposedly a difficult amino acid to get from plants.

8) Fish and shellfish - These have protein and omega-3 fatty acids. However, omega-3 can be found in other foods and supplements as well. Due to mercury, pesticide and PCB content, fish should be limited. According to the book, wild Alaskan salmon and sardines are low in mercury and high in omega-3 fatty acids.

I recently bought an omega 3-6-9 fatty acid supplement and have been taking women's vitamins (One-a-Day), since the book talks about different vitamins that may decrease the effects of depression. If I limit my sugar and eat more protein, fruits and veggies, hopefully I can see the benefits soon.