Depression comes in all shapes and sizes, but let’s face it, it’s an unwanted condition in all forms. Fortunately, there are less severe forms, like dysthymia (or chronic depression). Though this depression is less severe, it is still not a fleeting feeling.

In fact, dysthymia can last for two years or longer, according to This might still be considered less severe than other forms of depression, like major depressive disorder, since a person who has dysthymia can still function normally for the most part. However, according to the Web site, sufferers might seem “consistently unhappy.”

One Web site,, calls dysthymia “minor depression.” This further proves the fact that dysthymia is considered less severe than other forms of depression, though sufferers would beg to differ.

According to the Web site, dysthymia’s main difference from clinical depression is that sufferers don’t need to go to the hospital and can function properly and go to work. Pretty much, these people suffer a great burden while also tackling on normal activities daily.

As a sufferer of depression, I know what this burden means. Although I was never actually told what type of depression I have, I assume it’s between dysthymia and major depressive disorder, since I can still function for the most part and am not in danger of being hospitalized.

Personally, I think people take depression a lot lighter when a person is not hospitalized and seems to be doing fine but is just pessimistic or melancholy. This is not necessarily beneficial to sufferers. All forms of depression should be treated seriously to some extent.

Dysthymia comes with all the general depression symptoms, though they might be less debilitating than those experienced by major depression sufferers. Some of these syptoms are insomnia, oversleeping, fatigue, feelings of despair, over or under eating and poor nutrition in general, hopelessness, and others, according to Psychology Today’s Web site.

Apparently, people with dysthymia are known to have at least one major depressive episode, according to the Web site. In fact, this occurrence, which is called double major depressive disorder, is likely to happen in more than half of dysthymia sufferers.

The odds of dysthymia in women is twice as great as men, and about 6 percent of the U.S. population has dysthymia, according to Psychology Today’s Web site.

The statistics differ, as Mental Health America’s Web site claims about 3 percent of the population sufferers from dysthymia. It also states that those who suffer from dysthymia are a little less than those who suffer from major depression.

As with other types of depression, dysthymia can be treated with medication and counseling, though this is not necessarily a cure for the condition. Any person with depression can tell you that depression is more of a lifelong battle than most people expect. However, some people do learn to cope and can deal with the symptoms successfully over time.

Though it can be assumed that dysthymia can occur from a chemical imbalance or genetically, offers an interesting take on dysthymia. The Web site says that dysthymia usually happens at a younger age than major depressive disorder, so people usually start noticing symptoms as a child, teen or young adult. Since there is an early start with this condition, sometimes it can be seen as a personality trait and people can be considered to have a “depressive personality.” Perhaps to some it might appear that way.

According to, dysthymia is called dysthymic disorder and is close to depression but has less severe symptoms and can last for longer periods of time. However, saying someone has depression is a broad statement in itself, considering the many types of depression (and related conditions) there are.
