I was talking to my cousin the other day and we were talking about the things are supposedly can and cannot do during pregnancy. Types of exercise and activity, types of food and drinks, etc. Things like caffeine and feta cheese came up and then alcohol. I am lenient on the caffeine - and eat a little feta every now and then (it is always pasteurized!) but I steer completely clear of alcohol - because to me, the risk is so not worth it.

Well, I guess a doctor friend of hers told her that drinking a little is fine because the risks of alcohol can be less detrimental to the fetus than the risks of stress. I was confused at first but basically she said that if you need to have a glass of wine to calm you down - go for it as stress is very harmful to the baby. Okay, I have issues with that. I do not disagree that stress can be harmful to the baby, but there are a million ways you can deal with stress that wont potentially harm the baby. For example - EXERCISE!

It is amazing what exercise can do for you if you let it. If you are uptight and about to explode, go for a walk, stretch, dance, jog, swim, do yoga, whatever. If you aren't in the mood for exercise, read a book, call a friend, take a nap, cook a healthy meal, paint a picture, etc. Release the tension in a positive way that will help reduce your stress and improve your health. Alcohol doesn't have to be the answer - whether you are pregnant or not.
