More and more psychiatrists are turning to ancient philosophies and practices to assist their clients in achieving peace and balance in their lives. Mindfulness and mediation are used increasingly to treat emotional problems and psychiatric disturbances such as psychosis, bi-polar disorder and depression.

By focusing on the breath, these techniques bring balance and relaxation to those who suffer from an imbalance due to stress, a chemical imbalance in the brain, or an emotional imbalance due to trauma or abuse.

As ancient Chinese and Indian cultures have professed for centuries, the power of the energy that flows through our systems is so strong, that we are capable of healing ourselves using the proper techniques.

Even though medicines are still used in great abundance to treat many disorders, more and more practitioners are beginning to expand their practices to incorporate meditation techniques and relaxation techniques into their work. Without necessarily replacing the medications with these things, they are broadening their horizons and their perspectives to include them wherever possible.

One form of this which is becoming quite popular is something called "Mindfulness Meditation Therapy" or "MMT." This is an adjunct to talk therapy which allows clients to delve deeply into their own healing attributes and bring qualities of peace, serenity, tranquility, positive thinking and more to their every day lives.

While no one thing can be effective for every human being, staying open to many different types of therapy is crucial if we are hopeful about healing for everyone.

Aimee Boyle lives and works on the beautiful shoreline of CT.