Spring is practically here -- although it did snow in Connecticut, twice, over the last week. This is the perfect time not only for early planting but, that's right, for spring cleaning. Cleaning out closets, in particular, is a tough job and no one really wants to do it. But here are the top ten reasons why you really can and should; in the long run, it's worth the effort.

1 - You will find things you actually like, need and want that you may not have laid eyes on since 1987 or thereabouts. It's worth digging through just to see the photograph that leaves you gasping as you remember "that day," or the blouse you bought on the boardwalk that you can wash and wear and use to inform your former self you're still alive.

2 - It actually saves time. In the course of our hectic, busy lives, we grab things willy nilly - shoes, bags, clothes, earrings, toys, stereo receivers, speakers, sheets, towels and notebook paper. If our closets are in disarray, it's difficult to find things, it takes time to look for them, and we waste time fumbling. Organized closets can allow us to take what we need and quickly move on with our day.

3 - There is a fresh feeling about opening up a clean, organized closet. Before your shower or after, getting ready to go to work or school, there is something about that closet with it's lined up contents that just puts us in a better frame of mind.

4 - It can lead to more organization in other parts of your life. By cleaning out your closets, you may decide to clean your bathroom, pay your bills, organize your taxes, or even have a tag sale and make some money on that bike you never ride.

5 - Finally, it will give you a sense of stability. The order of your home will bring you a peace of mind you couldn't imagine. You don't need a lot of fancy things to make you feel good about being home, cleanliness and organization can center you like nothing else.

Aimee Boyle lives and writes in CT. She is a regular contributor to EmpowHER.