Change is a naturally occurring part of life. From changing schools to moving across town or across the country, from switching careers to switching up your friends, lovers, spouses or boss, change is really the only constant we have in our lives.

It's so hard to keep up with all the changes. Yet remaining stable and secure in yourself during periods of change is crucial if we are to hold onto the center we have inside of ourselves and not let these (often) dramatic changes rattle us so badly that they become antecedents to unsavory end results of extreme stress-- things like illness, anxiety, depression and even suicidal ideation.

So, given that we live in uncertain times and have uncertainty to contend with on a fairly regular basis, what are some techniques we can use to stay grounded and remember who we are even as we're faced with a room full of unfamiliar strangers who all know each others' quirks and habits but have no idea of ours? How do we adjust to a new town, a new commute, a new set of rules?

For one thing, remember that life can be an adventure and, while you're adventuring, you're still yourself. You may not have fellow adventurers around you who know you well, but you will. It takes time to form real, meaningful friendships and even those people at your new job will take awhile to seem familiar to you, but it will happen.

Another thing, stick to the routines you know will make you feel good. Go to the gym consistently or workout in whatever way you normally do. The hours and location may change, but sticking to a familiar, healthy routine can do wonders for your mental and emotional (not to mention physical) health.
Resist the temptation to drown out your anxiety with junk food. Bingeing will solve your problems for five minutes and then you will feel guilty and even more anxious as you wonder why you are not maintaining your ability to stay focused on healthy eating. Keep going to the health food store, drink a lot of water, and stay away from sugar and alcohol, at least until you feel you are on more solid ground.

Take things slowly. Rushing is what we do when we're either pressed for time or trying to quickly end uncomfortable feelings. Rushing to close a deal on a new apartment or home, a new job, or a new relationship, however, is not recommended. These are important life decisions which require reflection and steady examination; if this means you are consistently taking your time in the beginning of a new situation, that is fine, allow it to be this way. You will happily look back on this beginning time with pride and confidence if you realize you slowed down enough to think clearly and really look at every angle with maturity and an even paced emotional state.

Remember, even new things aren't new forever. If possible, try to relax somewhat and enjoy the newness. After all, there is a "honeymoon" period for every new venture, and feeling excited or happy at the beginning of something is a little reward you get for taking a risk.

Aimee Boyle lives and works in CT. She just recently started a new job and is, so far, really loving it!