Isometric bodyweight exercises help you burn fat and build strength without moving much. Exercise without much movement you say? Keep talking, right? Isometric exercises are very tough to do and you will definitely feel muscle soreness the next day or two.

Many times, we think of working out in terms of a tough interval cardio session or burning weight training circuit. These types of workouts are needed but isometric exercises also have a place in your workout routines.

Isometric exercises are very underrated and are needed to build your body and prevent injuries. They are great for building muscles, burning fat and stabilizing muscles/joints.

Isometric bodyweight exercises force most if not all of your muscles to work during an exercise. The stability ball plank exercise is a great example. To do the plank, you get into position and hold for a period of time (like 20 seconds). So, many core exercises are great isometric exercises.

Isometric contractions can be described as a type of muscle contraction where your muscles develop tension without changing length. For example, pushing against a wall and holding for 30 seconds causes an isometric contraction.

You need to do isometric core exercises to get your six pack abs. This is a surprise to many people. Isometric core exercises build up the deep stabilizing muscles and give tone to your entire core area.

You should strength train your muscles with all contraction types (eccentric, isometric, concentric). All muscles function eccentrically (reduces force or deceleration), isometrically (stabilizes force) and concentrically (produces force).

So, here is a good isometric bodyweight workout for you:

1. Deep knee bends and hold, 10 repetitions, 10 second hold
2. Stability ball plank, 10 repetitions, 20 second hold
3. Bridge, 10 repetitions, 20 second hold
4. Push-up and hold, 20 second hold
5. Side plank, 10 repetitions each side, 10 second hold
6. Captain chair knee ups and hold, 10 repetitions, 10 second hold
7. Ab curl ups and hold, 10 repetitions, 20 second hold

Repeat this circuit two more times. Rest two to three minutes between circuits.

Challenge yourself with isometric exercises and improve your balance, coordination, strength and flexibility! This might require that you put that old favorite workout on the shelf and try something new. If you do, I guarantee you will burn more fat and lose more weight.

Add more isometric exercises to your workouts.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s sites:

My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut