“I don’t have time to workout!” How many times have you said that phrase or heard it from someone else?

The truth is this, we have time for the things we really want to do.

We are all too busy. Sometimes saying, “I’m too busy…..” is an excuse for not doing what we need to get done. What are your priorities? Have you made your health and fitness a priority?

The good news is that burning fat and losing weight doesn’t require two hour workouts every time you’re in the gym. Actually, a 20-30 minute workout will help you reach your fat loss and weight loss goals sooner.

These are some benefits of just 20-30 minutes of daily exercise activity like walking, jogging, biking, dancing or swimming:

1. Lost Weight
2. Reduced Body Fat
3. Lower LDL Levels (bad cholesterol)
4. Lower Blood Pressure
5. Improved Heart Function
6. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease
7. Improved Appearance and Boost of Self-Esteem
8. Increased Energy
9. Reduced Healthcare Costs

And, the more intense your workouts, the better your results.

One of the best ways to break through your weight loss/fat loss plateau is to "ramp up" the intensity of your workouts. My observations of people working out, is that many just simply don't "go hard enough" during their workouts!

Changing your body composition (more muscle, less fat) takes hard, smart work! Some people are flat out lazy but many just don't know what they should be doing.

Keeping your workout short and fast will give you maximum benefits in the minimum amount of time. You will have more calorie burn and fat burn during and after your workout. All it takes is 20 minutes each workout! Long duration workouts are a waste of your precious time!

Here is a great circuit strength/cardio workout:

1. Step Ups (knee-high platform), 10 repetitions each leg, moderate pace
2. Bentover dumbbell rows, 10 repetitions, moderate pace
3. Stability ball chest press, 10 repetitions, moderate pace
4. Squat Jumps, 10 repetitions, fast
5. Triceps Dips, 10 repetitions, moderate pace
6. Back Extensions,15 repetitions, moderate pace

Rest 2 minutes between the circuit. Repeat the circuit 2 more times.

Remember, all movement burns calories. So, during the day, walk during work breaks, after lunch and after dinner. This will help you reach your fat loss and weight loss goals sooner.

You will always have time for a 20-30 minute workout!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s sites:

My Fitness Hut http://myfitnesshut.blogspot.com
Her Fitness Hut http://herfitnesshut.com
Sports Fitness Hut http://sportsfitnesshut.blogspot.com