There is this great motivational runners book that I have and each day you read a daily inspiration. I love it. The book is called "The Runner's Book of Daily Inspiration" and it's by Kevin Nelson.

The following is from the book and feel free to change the word "running" to whatever it is that you do, if it's walking, biking, rollerblading or going to the gym.

Running is about friendship. Call up friend and go for a run.

Running is about nature. Get off the pavement, and run on a woodsy parkland trail.

Running is about sweat. After you work up a good one, take a long, exquisitely shower.

Running is about pleasure. Treat yourself to a tasty fruit shake after a run.

Running is about health. Run comfortably, without strains, and exercise the heart and lungs

Running is about clearing your head. When you change into your running togs at the end of a long day, change your state of mind too.

Running is about getting away from everything. Lay down your burdens and duties, at least for a while, and do something for yourself.

Running is about having fun, just as you did when you were a kid. Running around like crazy, feeling free.

Running is about lots of things besides how fast you run. Leave your watch at home and get reaquainted with those other things.