Yes, weight loss doesn’t have to cost you a thing, except your time and commitment! You don’t need the gym membership that so many health clubs are trying to sell you this time of year. You don’t need weight loss pills or powders. You don’t even need equipment to lose weight.

You just need your body, 20-30 minutes a day of exercise and a healthy meal plan based on your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is the amount of calories you would burn if you did nothing all day. You will use this rate to set the amount of calories you need each day to maintain a caloric deficit (burn more calories than you consume). You also need your BMR so you don't eat too little and encourage your body to store fat!

To help your meal plan to be successful, plan and pack nutritious foods like sandwiches with lean meats, salads, nuts, fruit, vegetables, yogurt, yogurt smoothies, popcorn, etc. And drink plenty of water or unsweetened tea (and not high-calorie designer coffees or sugary drinks).

As for exercise, you have plenty of free choices to lose weight and get fit.

Here are some examples:

1. Walk as much as possible every day. This one exercise tip will propel you to a more active lifestyle. All movement burns calories. On the days that you don’t exercise, walk 30 minutes;

2. Do compound bodyweight exercises. Concentrate on compound (multi-joint) strength exercises like squats, lunges, pushups, pull-ups, planks and bridges because they work and build more muscle groups. Do less single-joint exercises like calf raises and triceps dips. You can do bodyweight exercises anywhere, anytime;

3. Do jump exercises and sprinting. Sprinting and jump exercises activate the bulkier, shapely fast-twitch muscle fibers. These types of exercises burn tons of calories. Sprints are great and so are plyometric exercises (squat jumps are an example) when you are physically ready for them.

Similarly, you can jump rope. It is a very underrated exercise that is good for fat burning, total body sculpting, hand-eye coordination and balance. You can jump rope every day (two feet, one foot, shuffle, slalom, alternating feet, etc.). Speed jump roping is even better!;

4. Improving your posture while sitting, standing, walking and running will burn calories and strengthen your core. Just brace your torso all the time (like you’re preparing to take a punch in the gut). This is great core work all day, every day!; and

5. And, to have more fun with exercise, try dancing, biking, playing sports or whatever you like to do for active fun!

Challenge yourself to lose weight this year for free!

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut