On Wednesday I posted the first five of ten running rules from www.active.com. These are some fun rules and I have to say great conversation pieces. If you are a runner you will appreciate these rules and probably have your own entertaining stories to go along with them. Here are the last five.

* Aim Bodily Fluids Carefully. I have to say that I personally have been hit by snot rockets and spit which is so gross. I do blow a snot rocker every so often and I make sure no one is in the line of fire. Also, when you throw away your half cup of water please be sure not to hit a fellow runner.
* Don't Stink. The following comes straight from the article. I thought it was pretty funny. "I once got stuck on a treadmillnext to a person who reeked of smoke," says C.J. Epperson. Unpleasant odors carry outdoors, too. It should go without saying, but wear clean clothes and limit your use of personal products. "I ran the Chicago Marathon next to a guy who had slathered on smelly menthol stuff," says Pat Agnello of Brook Park, Ohio. "Phew-ee!" Runners tend to be forgiving of bodily functions, but there's a limit. "I ran behind a guy who smelled like he ate a ton of bean burritos and drank a gallon of green chile before the race," Joe McLennan of Denver says. "He stunk, bad."
* Dress For Your Mom.Yes, we have all seen the crazy dressers at the marathons. I ran next to the Cheetos Cheetah in the New York marathon and the teletubbies. The worst I have to say are those people who don't cover up certain areas. I ran next to a guy wearing a Speedo and let's just say he had no business being in a Speedo. Mother's were covering their children's eyes!
* NO WHINNING. Need I say more?
* Just Run. If you like running with headphones then run with headphones. Don't listen to people who will tell you it's not cool, etc. What matters is you're running and enjoying yourself. Who cares how or the way you're getting it done. Just do it!

Running is great exercise and a lot of fun to most people. I love it! These rules can help you with your running etiquette or at least give you a good laugh!
