It is not too early to start shaping your body for the summer. In about three months it will be summer and you will wear less and less clothing. You will want your body to look its best!

If you haven’t been exercising or eating healthy, now would be the time to start. A lifetime commitment to fitness and health is always the beginning of your success with fat and weight loss. The fringe benefit is that you will also look your best.

To avoid the temptation of enrolling in a quick weight loss program, begin an exercise program that is realistic and safe. Medical and fitness experts agree that it is safe to average about two lost pounds per week. You will probably lose more than two pounds per week in the first two weeks of your program.

It is also important to stop bad eating habits and begin forming healthy eating habits. Most of your fat and weight loss success will depend on your compliance to a healthy meal plan (about 90 percent compliance).

Here are some tips to start shaping your body for the summer:

1. Walk as much as possible and it will make getting fit and staying fit much easier! You don't have to wait until "your workout" to exercise. You have plenty of opportunities during the day to walk.

2. Fat loss management works along with weight loss management. Regular strength training, cardio exercise and a good meal plan will help you burn fat (lose inches), speed up your metabolism and lose the fat and weight for good! No more yo-yo dieting and regaining that weight!

3. If you have been in an "exercise rut," start exercising again by doing something you enjoy like walking, playing a sport, swimming or jogging. If you do things you enjoy, you are more likely to keep your exercise routine going.

4. Get an exercise buddy to help you. Find someone who has similar exercise goals. Research has proven that you are more likely to succeed with your weight loss and fat loss goals if you have a weight loss buddy (social support or accountability partner).

5. Start exercising today! A 30-minute walk will get you started on the right track. If you say, “I’ll start exercising next week,” it will be June before you know it (and you will still not have started exercising)!

6. Take advantage of “dead time” during the day to exercise. Walk at work, exercise at your work desk, exercise while watching television, exercise during your kid’s practice, etc.

7. If you have a gym membership, keep your workout bag packed in your car. This will save you time and keep you “on-the-go” until you get home. If you go home first, you might not make it to the gym!

Just get started exercising already---for your life! Summer is coming!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s sites:

My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut