It’s that time of year for holiday parties, baked goods, stuffing, and more. How can anyone resist packing on a few extra pounds when all that yummy goodness is surrounding our work-space and tempting your taste buds. Like many of you, I am travelling this coming week and for me that means to the heart of Georgia for home-cooked meals and sweet tea. Because cardiovascular disease and obesity runs in my family, I plan on coming prepared with options and exercise.

Let’s play a little game of, “did you know?” to help you stay healthier this December.

Did you know…
1 cup of stuffing has about 350 calories
1 slice of pecan pie has 500 calories
1 cup of egg nog has 400 calories and about 18 grams of fat for a full glass
2 small pieces of grandma’s fudge has 150 calories and many grams of sugar.
2 glasses of wine is about 200 calories

Did you know…
The stress of driving in holiday traffic can raise your blood pressure some 50 points!
The act of stuffing your face at holiday parties increases your waistline and risk for heart burn.
All the alcohol at the holiday parties can leave you feeling dehydrated yet puffy.
Not routinely washing your hands after present shopping and hand shaking increases your risk for germ transfer.

Did you know…
230 calories are burned on average chopping wood for 30 minutes.
200 calories are burned on average cooking/chopping/baking for 60 minutes (not tasting).
100 calories are burned on average shaking your booty to music at a holiday party for 15 minutes.
50 calories are burned on average taking a 15 minute walk after dinner with the family
65 calories are burned on average throwing the football for 20 minutes before dinner.
110 calories are burned on average playing the piano for 30 minutes while singing carols.
180 calories are burned on average ice skating for 30 minutes on a frozen pond.
350 calories are burned on average shoveling snow for 45 minutes.
530 calories are burned on average sledding for 60 minutes.
880 calories are burned on average cross-country skiing for 60 minutes.
115 calories are burned on average cleaning up the house from the holiday party for 30 minutes.

Stay healthy this holiday season and remember to keep the balance. Good food with good company then good exercise to work it out will help you start off 2010 in better spirits.