Every bride wants to look stunning on her wedding day. The best day to start exercising and eating healthy is always today. It doesn’t hurt to have the extra motivation of a wedding to tone up your body. Just remember to keep exercising after your wedding and never stop!

Your short-term goal would be to have your best toned body possible by the wedding day. And, guess what? Your long-term goal would be the same. You would keep working to tone your body throughout life. And, your training focus would always be the same: burn body fat, lose inches and shrink your body.

So, if you have two months until the big wedding day, get your body moving right away! I know plenty of brides-to-be who hired a personal trainer to get ready for the big day. It would basically be another wedding investment!

If you have been inactive, you’ll need to start out slowly. You might even need medical clearance. Walking, slow-paced jogging, biking and bodyweight strength exercises would be good choices for the first week of exercise.

You can tone your body faster with more intense workouts. That would generally include 3 days of interval cardio sessions and 3 days of full body circuit strength training. Long, slow cardio sessions wastes time and your precious muscle mass also wastes away! Anaerobic cardio sessions, like sprint intervals, have been proven to give superior heart-health and fat-burn! Strength exercises will build muscle, burn fat, speed up your metabolism and slenderize your body.

If you combine this training schedule with a healthy meal plan, you will burn fat and lose weight. If you hire a personal trainer, you will get a customized exercise and nutrition plan, oversight and feedback. Since you have no time to waste, I would recommend hiring a personal trainer.

For example, women (because of necessary genetics) have twice the amount lipogenic (fat storing) enzymes and half the amount of lipolytic (fat releasing) enzymes as men. This has to be taken into account when exercise programs are designed.

Women tend to store stubborn fat in the buttocks, hips (saddle bags), thighs and the back of the upper arms (grandmother arms). Men tend to store stubborn fat in the abdominal area (pot belly and spare tire) and low back area.

At no point should you try a fad diet or quick weight loss program! You don’t want to just lose weight. You could lose 10 pounds in 2 days by starving and dehydrating yourself. You would also look and feel miserable. More than likely, you would binge eat the next 2 days and gain more weight than you lost.

Also, when you lose weight that quickly without strength training, you are losing muscle mass and not toning your body. Fat loss is always more important than weight loss.

If you are getting married in May or June, get started burning fat and toning your body right away! You can achieve many fat loss goals in 6-8 weeks.

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES, CPT is a Certified Personal Trainer and former NCAA Division I athlete. Mark’s Fat Blaster Athletic Training System has been proven to give his clients the fit, sculpted and athletic-type bodies they want. Visit Mark’s sites:

My Fitness Hut http://myfitnesshut.blogspot.com
Her Fitness Hut http://herfitnesshut.com
Sports Fitness Hut http://sportsfitnesshut.blogspot.com