Having lean and toned arms and chest muscles is important to a female! Being strong enough to do daily physical and recreational activities and looking fabulous in those sweaters, t-shirts and tops is important (including short-sleeved and sleeveless tops)!

First, you need a full body strength training program that you do at least 3 days a week. This helps you build muscle and will continue the fat burning process for your total body. Don’t do spot training of a particular body part. Train your total body and your body will know where to burn the fat. If you have some stubborn fat areas, you can do extra work to fix the problem.

It is also important to use enough weight to burn fat and build muscle! So, you must graduate from those 5 pound dumbbells!

Females hate flabby arms (grandmother arms)! Guess what? You can burn the fat on those flabby triceps (back of the upper arm), biceps, forearms and shoulders! It just takes some consistent strength training and proper nutrition to help you burn the fat off your total body!

Firm up your chest muscles (and breasts) and give them better shape with weight training. One of the best exercises for this is the chest press on stability ball (incline chest press on ball and fly press on ball are also great)! Research and my personal experience using this exercise with female clients has proven that there is more muscle activation in the chest area when the chest press is done on a stability ball. Every woman I know wants her breasts to look great! Having cosmetic surgery is not the only want to improve your breasts’ shape (there are safer and less painful options)!

Your breasts are made up of fatty (adipose ) tissue, so their size depends upon how much fat you store there. Genetics, your weight, your health and your age also play a part in breast firmness and size. The muscles directly underneath your breasts are called the pectorals. Your pectoral muscles are partly responsible for the firmness of your breasts.

The only way to significantly improve your breast size is through surgery or weight gain (Oh no!). But, you can make your breasts firmer, more shapely and somewhat bigger by working your pectoral muscles. To me, this is the better option for now and later on in life (to avoid the sags as much as possible)! The chest press on ball for your breasts, chest, arms and front shoulders should be a staple in your workout routine!

Here are some other great exercises:

--Close grip pushups, incline pushups, decline pushups, pushups on medicine ball, pushups on stability ball

--Standing dumbbell bicep curls and hammer curls

--Dumbbell wrist curls

--Standing dumbbell shoulder press

--Triceps dips on bench or hanging on parallel bars

--Standing dumbbell overhead triceps extensions

--Bent over dumbbell triceps kickbacks

--Pullups (for your back, arms and chest area)

Shape those arm and chest muscles with consistent weight training and good nutrition!

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut http://herfitnesshut.com