Every woman I know is concerned about the size and shape of her butt, hips and thighs (including cellulite). As for cellulite, it is actually collections of fat just underneath (subcutaneous fat) the skin which causes it to dimple, pucker up or lump up.

There are many factors that determine whether you have cellulite -- your genes, gender, skin thickness and amount of body fat all play a part. What you need to know is that there are no quick fixes for cellulite (despite what some commercials promote)! Some treatments such as liposuction and mesotherapy may give you some TEMPORARY relief from your cellulite. Liposuction is actually meant to remove deep fat tissue (visceral fat) and not cellulite. In my opinion, your best bet would be to reduce overall body fat through weight training and high intensity interval cardio.

As with any training, you need to train your lower body in all 3 planes of motion to insure balance and maximum toning. You definitely want your lower body to look good in 3-D space!

Squats is the number one exercise to tone your butt, hips and thighs. You can't leave out squats! Do your squats -- bodyweight squats, dumbbell squats, barbell squats, split squats, lateral squats, one-legged squats, etc. Mix it up but do them. The benefits of the squat exercise extend beyond your legs. Other top glute/hip/leg exercises are:

2) Lunges (front, side, transverse)
3) Step ups (front, side, transverse)
4) Deadlifts (traditional, Romanian and one-legged)
5) Various jump training exercises, such as jumping rope and squat jumps
6) Running uphill (especially sprints)
7) Standing, prone or floor hip extensions
8) Standing cable or ankle weight hip abductors/leg adductors
9) Standing cable or ankle weight leg kickbacks
10) Glute bridges and marching glute bridges

If these exercises become easy for you, then increase resistance or intensity (such as full speed power versions of some of these exercises).

Just a word about cardio exercise …. when you have a choice, choose non-machine cardio. That way, you won't have a machine generating momentum for you. Don't go beyond 30 minutes on a cardio session -- 20 minutes is better because you can push yourself harder and burn more fat. Some top cardio exercises to blast butt, hips and thighs fat are:

--Sprint Intervals: Sprinting activates the bulkier fast-twitch fibers. Just check out the lady sprinters at the next track meet you attend. You may not go to that extreme, but you get the idea! DO NOT RUN ON CONCRETE, ASPHALT OR OTHER HARD SURFACES.

--Leg Circuits

--Intervals on stepmill, treadmill or bike

Overall health is always the goal for your body. The benefits of doing these types of exercises will definitely extend beyond shaping your lower body.

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut http://herfitnesshut.com