The holidays really kick into gear this week starting with the long, 4-day Thanksgiving weekend! Things start to get even busier this time of year and we start to cut back on certain activities. Don't cut out your workouts. Just use more time-efficient workouts.

Here is a good tactic to use during the busy holiday season: exercise at the location where you are currently. You can fit in 20 minutes of exercise at any point during the day. There’s no need to waste time going to the gym! Take advantage of "dead time" during your day and exercise.

Don't wait until January to start exercising or to resume exercising. You can make much progress with fat loss and weight loss during the next 5 weeks. You won't have to make a "New Year's resolution." Instead, make a lifetime fitness resolution right now.

Each of the following exercises can be used as a stand-alone workout or combined in any way you like. These exercises also have one thing in common—they are full body exercises which will give you maximum benefits in the least amount of time. You will never be able to truthfully say, “I don’t have time to workout.” Just keep each workout at about 20 minutes.

1. Squat-to-Curl-to-Press - The exercise is done just like it sounds: squat, bicep curl and shoulder press (that is 1 repetition). The squat-to-curl-to-press is also a compound strength exercise. This type of exercise works major muscle groups, which helps build more muscle and burn more fat.

2. Jump Rope – This is one of the all-time best exercises for burning calories, shaping your body and improving your coordination. This is also a fun exercise from your youth. Jump with two feet, one foot, alternating feet, sideways, shuffle and whatever else you can imagine! Jump 1 minute and walk for 1 minute. Repeat this rotation for 20 minutes.

3. Burpees - From a squat position with your hands on the floor, kick your feet back to a pushup position. Quickly return your feet to the squat position and jump as high as you can from the squat position. Do this exercise at full speed for 30 seconds. Walk or jog for 1 minute and burpee again!

4. Medicine Ball Front Chop - Burn more of the dreaded belly fat with the medicine ball front chop. This exercise is a great full body exercise that you can do as a regular strength exercise or power (full-speed) exercise. Because of speed and intensity, power exercises help you burn more fat during and after your workout.

5. Sprint Intervals - Sprinting activates and shapes the bulkier, shapely fast-twitch muscle fibers. You don’t have to be fast, just run as fast as you can. Do this rotation: sprint 50-60 yards, walk back and sprint again.

If you will do these workouts at least 3 days a week during the busy holiday season, you will burn fat and lose weight -- provided you eat sensibly! Rotate strength and cardio workouts or combine the exercises. On the days that you don’t workout, walk at a moderate pace for at least 30 minutes a day.

This is your recipe for fitness success this holiday season!

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut