As a professional fitness trainer, I see 5 common mistakes that women make when they are trying to change their body’s composition (more muscle mass, less fat mass). You want a healthy, lean and toned body. You need the right fitness strategy for your body.

Let’s get right to the mistakes I see most:

1. Don’t set your body sculpting goals by looking at a woman on a magazine cover. This can be a major mistake. First, the women you see on a magazine cover are professional fitness models. These fitness models may or may not take supplements and they probably don’t have your body type.

For instance, you may be petite in your upper body and heavy in your lower body. You should build muscle mass in your upper body and burn fat and tone your hips, thighs and butt. Your workout plan should be tailored to your body type. Two women following the same workout routines can get different results.

2. Your meal plan is based on a meal plan you see in a book or magazine. Each individual has different nutritional needs and preferences. You should base your meal plan on your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and your level of activity (including exercise).

Your BMR is the amount of daily calories your body needs to maintain itself in a resting state. You will use this amount and your daily activity level to set your daily menu. If you use severe calorie restriction (i.e., don’t eat enough), your body will store fat because it will think you are starving. And, you don’t want to lose muscle, you want to lose fat! Even though you must maintain a caloric deficit (burn more calories than you eat) to lose weight, you don’t want the severe calorie restriction required by some diets.

Also, get to know your body. The same food item can affect two people differently. For example, certain carbohydrates can affect your body differently than your friend. Choose foods that you like and you will be more likely to stay in compliance with your meal plan.

3. You try every fad diet that comes out because you are too concerned about weight loss. You experience rapid weight loss. But, you end up seeing your weight yo-yo back and forth because you can’t maintain that fad diet.

Fat loss is more important than weight loss. Work on losing inches and changing your body’s composition. The weight loss will take care of itself in the long-term if you comply with a realistic, healthy meal plan.

4. Your weight loss goals are unrealistic. Part of the first fitness consultation with a personal trainer will include you identifying WHY your fitness goals have failed in the past. Another part of the consultation is for you to VISUALIZE and set REALISTIC fitness goals.

You have to be honest with yourself to set realistic fitness goals. Sometimes the truth hurts. That's okay. Many of you have tried over and over to lose fat and weight. Its hard to keep trying. Its easier to quit. Just make the commitment and get the guidance and support you need to reach your goals.

And, achieving fitness goals takes hard, smart work. You might have thought you could reach your goals by only doing cardio exercise (you were afraid that lifting weights would make you too bulky). You might need to change behaviors you have had since childhood. Also, it takes longer to change your body’s composition. But, the results will stand the test of time. Don’t try to take shortcuts.

5. You are trying to lose weight “all by your lonesome.” Don't underestimate the value of well-designed fitness program put together by a personal trainer. It makes all the difference because you get direction, feedback and encouragement from a trainer who is fit and knows what it takes to get fit and stay fit.

You also need social support. Research has proven that you are more likely to succeed with your weight loss and fat loss goals if you have a weight loss buddy (social support or accountability partner). Group exercise classes and bootcamps succeed in part because of social support.

Have you made mistakes with your weight loss and fat loss goals and later succeeded? Share your story!

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut