Do you know what one of my biggest pet peeves is? People who ride a bike without a helmet. According to a Consumer Reports survey, 60 percent of people never wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. It also states the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety showing 92 percent of bicyclists killed in 2007 reportedly were not wearing a helmet and that wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injury by an estimated 85 percent. HELLO!

I remember running around White Rock Lake in Dallas one time and this guy on a bike who was not wearing a helmet started talking to me. After about ten minutes of listening to him hit on me I asked him point blank, " Don't you think you should be wearing a helmet?" His response was something about how he didn't need to wear one because he never wrecks and my response was how I thought people who didn't wear helmets were absolute idiots. Needless to say, he biked right on past me and left me alone for the rest of my run.

Whatever your sport of choice is, please make sure you wear the proper gear. This even includes running. If you don't wear the right shoe you could get injured. I see so many people running in cotton shorts and all I can think about is the chaffing that has got to be going on. Make sure you wear clothing that is moisture wicking. When you cycle or do a spin class, wear the padded biking shorts. Your buns will thank you. If you're an In-Line skater, please be sure to wear a helmet and knee and elbow guards. The list can go on and on.

Some people don't wear the proper equipment because they think it looks wimpy or not so cool. Believe me, you're better off setting your ego aside rather than getting seriously injured.