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Sexual Abuse Recovery Group

Group Description:

This group is for those who have experienced and are recovering from sexual abuse, whether new experiences or old. Sexual abuse can have ramifications in many areas of a woman's life sometimes in ways that don't seem that obvious. One of the best ways to stay emotionally healthy through this recovery to connect with other women who have been where you are and know what you're going through. Knowing you're not the only one can help.

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This group is for those who have experienced and are recovering from sexual abuse, whether new experiences or old. Sexual abuse can have ramifications in many areas of a woman's life sometimes in ways that don't seem that obvious. One of the best ways to stay emotionally healthy through this recovery to connect with other women who have been where you are and know what you're going through. Knowing you're not the only one can help.


Any EmpowHER.com member may request to join this group