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Essential Oils for Everyday Living -- Sponsor Join this Group

Alternative Options for Bug Sprays

By Expert May 23, 2011 - 12:20pm

Now that summer is upon us and we are camping, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors we are back to the decision of what should we use for bug spray. The more we read labels the more we are aware that the only thing we are eliminating maybe ourselves.

The spray that we lather all over ourselves, our children and pets only seems to create a feeding frenzy for the bugs. Why is this? Because like viruses and bacteria they are becoming immune to the chemicals.

In nature we have a balance and every thing has a purpose keeping this balance in check. For plants to survive they release certain chemicals to repel insects without causing harm. This is the reason why essential oils have such profounding benefits. When used properly essential oils can repel insects without causing adverse effects on the environment and your loved ones.

Safe to use on pets, children and your clothing No more bugs, safe for the environment. Try some today! www.wisdombynature.net

For more information you can contact me at [email protected]

The above statement is for educational purposes only and has not been approved by the FDA. Be proactive in your health and choose wisely.

By May 23, 2012 - 7:56am

This will be a great thread for users to revisit this summer! While living in Asia, I made my own (awesome) mosquito repellent by mixing eucalyptus, lavender, and sometimes other essential oils with some olive oil. It was an easy and effective way for me to seriously avoid bites!

Other alternatives can be found in an article here: 




May 23, 2012 - 7:56am
By Expert August 2, 2011 - 8:39am

Thanks for your response, I love Holistic Moms!

August 2, 2011 - 8:39am
By July 19, 2011 - 11:58am

I just learned about this at our Holistic Moms meeting this month- what a great idea!

July 19, 2011 - 11:58am

Group Leader

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Essential oils, knowns as nature's living energy, are the natural, aromatic violatile liquids found in shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. The distrinctive components in essential oils defend plants against insects, environmental conditions and disease. They are also vital for a plant to grow, live, evolve and adapt to its surroundings. Essential oils are extrated from aromatic plant sources via steam distillation, and are highly concentrated and far more potent than dry herbs. While essential oils often have a pleasant aroma, their chemical makeup is complex and benefits vast - which makes them much more than something that simply smells good. Historically, essential oils have played a prominent role in everyday life. With more than 200 references to aromatics, incense and ointments throughout the Bible, essential oils are said to be used for anointing and healing the sick. Today, essential oils are used for aromatherpay, massage therapy, emtotional health, personal care, nutritional supplements, household solutions and much more.




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