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Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld joint book (The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely Traits ...

By February 15, 2014 - 7:37pm

Basically, its been for a couple of wks now. Have decided to borrow it from the library and read. I currently have it and beyond. Because of the reviews that I have read on it are pretty much more negative then positive. Anyway, Ms Chua is the author of another bestseller (Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, 2011). Which in turned was controversy because of the method/s that used on her children. In which turn her/their oldest daughter (Sophia) has blogged about (http://tigersophia.blogspot.com/ New Tiger in Town) in conjunction with the book release (2011). I for one read, reviewed at the time, and still do for the blog part of it. In which Mr. Rubenfeld is Ms Chua husband and beyond. At this particular time I have no clue if her/their youngest daughter (Lulu) is/will do anything like her older sister has done because I for one would love to know and beyond.

Think thats it for now.

Thank you, again, in advance.

Yours truly,

Jessica A Bruno

By February 16, 2014 - 9:09pm

Never mind about reading because having trouble with it then anything else.


February 16, 2014 - 9:09pm

Group Leader


Is everything that she, her family needs to know about this particular lifestyle, etc. AKA more of a ethical lifestyle then unethical one or whatever its called.


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