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The T4/T3 Thyroid Drug Controversy

By July 17, 2011 - 10:58pm


An interesting start to look into T3 treatment. Not sure what it is? If you have hypothyroidism you should!

There are studies that suggest it makes no difference, and studies that say it does. All I know is that if something isnt' working for you, you should try something else! No sense in flipping the light switch off and on if there is no electricity. :)

Know your options, and find what works best for you.
The best medication for a thyroid patient is the one that makes them feel better!!!


By July 18, 2011 - 6:20am

From what I read (and what I've been told), whether or not you need t3 only depends on your ratio of T3 and reverse T3. If your ratio is under 20, t3 is not getting into your cells (usually due to low iron or low cortisol).

There is good information here and a ratio calculator for math challenged people (like me!):

Now, if I could only get a doctor to prescribe me t3! Either that, or I will have to order it from Mexico :)

July 18, 2011 - 6:20am

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To explore and discuss the different treatments available for thyroid disorders, and to connect to and learn from other sufferers of the impact the thyroid can have on your everyday life.


Rockford, IL


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