I decided to go sugar free eleven days ago. It was a tough decision as I am a certified choc-a-holic who loves the occasional glass of wine. Armed with the knowledge that the average sugar consumption was 16 percent of the day's total calories, and Americans eat two to three pounds of sugar each week, I decided to make a major change.

You see, five weeks ago I decided to work out five days per week doing interval training for 20 to 30 minutes and eat a large salad everday (without the fattening stuff like cheese or dressings, but with a variet of vegetables and healthy proteins). Now I am also sugar free for eleven days and so far so good. More importantly, nobody has died in my detox from sugar.

Sugar hits the reward system in your brain so it's as addictive as drugs and alcohol. The only difference is that sugar is legal. Being in week two, I feel much more exhausted and foggy brained than I did in week one. In fact, I asked the other doctor in my office how to spell the word, "lousy" and settled on "bad" as I couldn't figure it out! Hello! I have the constant urge to hit someone up at work for their 'stash' of dark chocolate, or tell my husband that we need dessert. Then I remember I'm not eating it for 30 days. Ugh!

I can tell you making all these changes has lead to a tighter, leaner body (even my wonderful husband sees changes, especially in my backside) and my stomach has lost that bloated feeling I developed by mid-afternoon. I used to feel hypoglycemic if I didn't eat and now I just feel hungry but not starving or dizzy. When I measured this weekend I had lost an inch in my waist and thigh. Yeah!

Many ask what sugars I am avoiding and I tell them any sweet treats, artificial sweeteners, or sugar itself. I am choosing not to have honey at this time. Low-glycemic fruit are okay such as apples and pears. I do not eat bananas - too sweet! I didn't drink soda to begin with, and I don't drink coffee so I won't be missing my daily latte, mocha, or coffee with cream and sugar. Desserts are out, as are pieces of candy, chocolate, or sweet mints. No alcohol or white bread/rice either.

On my daily salad I mix spinach, sun-dried tomato, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, green onions, cilantro, garbanzo beans and avocado or egg with an olive oil and balsamic oil dressing. For exercise I follow bodyrock.tv and do her interval trainings. (No affiliation - just great site)

Obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and borderline diabetes all run in my immediate family and I do not want to follow my genetics. I plan on living a long and healthy life free as of many medications as I can avoid with a great diet and good exercise. It's not that I won't ever eat sugar again...I just think we needed a break.