You need to make an informed decision about using a quick weight loss program.

Quick weight loss program advertisements make it seem as though the most important thing in your life is using "their diet program." The most important thing is your health. And, your health far outweighs any diet program. In fact, your health depends on a commitment to healthy nutrition, regular exercise and healthy lifestyle habits.

Advertisements such as, "lose 30 pounds in 30 days," sends a message that has a short-term solution to your weight problem. Weight lost that quickly (without regular exercise) will be mainly lost muscle mass instead of fat mass (this will slow down your metabolism). You also might be very ill after losing that much weight in such a short period of time.

Medical and fitness professionals agree that a sound exercise and nutrition program is one in which you average 2 lost pounds per week. They also agree that the key to long-term health is proper nutrition and regular exercise. You need to know the difference between quick weight loss programs and education-based programs set up by health and fitness professionals. Here are just a few:

Quick Weight-Loss Programs:

Motivation: Quick-turn profits.

Measurement: Pounds-on-the-scale.

Protocol: Restricted calorie dieting.

Selling Points: No required exercise; convenient; easy prepared pre-packaged foods; and point A to B “program”.

Cons: Slows metabolism; weakens immune system; creates hormonal imbalances; agitates the nervous system; generates loss of lean mass; increases body fat; decreases energy levels; disrupts sleep patterns; provides short-term results; and initiates yo-yo dieting.

Health and fitness professional education-based programs:

Motivation - Long-term results.

Measurement - Body composition (less body fat, more muscle mass).

Protocol - Proper nutrition/progressive exercise.

Selling Points - Education-based; physiologically sound protocol; provides long-term lifestyle strategy; incorporates grocery store foods; decreased body fat; higher energy level; increased metabolism; strengthened immune system; requires physical activity; requires proper nutrition; and requires long-term commitment.

Options - Personal training sessions and educational materials.

As you can see, there are far more advantages to an education-based health and fitness program when you are trying to acheive your weight management and lifestyle goals. Why? Because fitness programs adhere to basic human physiology and behavior.

Make the decision to improve your health and fitness.

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut