OK, I have to start off by correcting myself. A few weeks ago I did a blog on my in-laws and how my father-in-law started walking the stairs at his office, changing his diet and really getting the health bug.

Well, I also mentioned that my mother-in-law cooks everything with a pound of butter, especially her green beans which my twins LOVE! This weekend my in-laws were visiting and my mother-in-law informed me that she heard about my blog and wanted to correct me. She doesn't use butter to cook her green beans. She uses bacon grease. Hmmmmmm, OK I stand corrected. Also, I will never be eating her green beans again!

I question everyday what it takes for people to get the health bug and with all the information out there it amazes me how people don't understand that they can't lose weight when they're eating donuts for breakfast and having Marble Slab every night for dessert. I had a client in her fifties who I have been training for a few months ask me why she isn't losing any weight with all the working out she does. I asked her what she eats and her answer was "anything I want." HELLO!

I then had a friend who wanted me to design a workout for her and I asked her about her schedule and when she had time to workout. Her response was, she wasn't a morning person, at lunch she usually has meetings and then at night she wanted to be able to be home with her husband. Do you see a problem here?

I do know this.... once you start the health bug and healthy lifestyle it becomes addictive. You feel better, you look better, and your self esteem and everyday life hits an all time high. You handle stress better. You sleep better. I mean I can go on and on, but what does it take for someone to get it and to start? Once I figure this out I will let you know and then I will be retiring because I'm sure the answer will make me a millionaire!

I hope the health bug is one you all catch.