For Breakfast:

* Eat a piece of fresh fruit, or add fruit to cereal and muffins.
* Have whole-grain, high-fiber toast, muffins, pancakes or waffles.
* Choose fiber-rich hot and cold cereals that are low in fat and sugar.
* Mix fresh fruit, bran or bran cereal into low-fat yogurt.

For Lunch:

* Add lettuce, tomato, sprouts, etc. to your sandwich.
* Choose whole-grain, high fiber breads for sandwiches.
* Have bean or vegetable soups and/or green salads.
* Eat a piece of fresh fruit for dessert.

For Dinner:

* Choose whole-grain, high fiber rice or pasta.
* Include beans, nuts or seeds in salads.
* Eat a fruit cup for an appetizer or dessert.
* Try different fiber-rich dishes, such as bean soups and stews, corn chowder and stir-fried vegetables.
* Add bran cereal to ground meat for meatballs, meat loaf and hamburgers.

For Snacks:

* Eat fresh vegetable sticks, fruit or nuts.
* Have popcorn and add spices instead of butter and salt.
* Choose whole-grain, high fiber crackers.

General Advice:

* Make sure products contain whole-grain, not enriched or refined flours.
* Eat more raw fruits and vegetables, and leave the skin on.
* Eat fruits and vegetables, rather than "drinking" them.
* Chew foods well - eat slowly.

Some Fiber-Rich Foods:
Beans - Kidney, Navy, Lima, Lentils, Green Peas
Bran Flakes
Whole-wheat Pastas and Breads
Apples, Pears, Prunes, Strawberries, Corn
Wheat Germ
Bran Muffins (watch the fat in these)