It’s almost New Years resolution time and this year I want you to remember some very important numbers that could seriously impact your health. These numbers are optimal and ideal when it comes to living a long and healthy life which I know many of you are striving to do. Print this out to keep handy and let’s get started!

Blood Pressure: under 120/80
The top number is called the ‘systolic’ number and it’s the pressure from the heart out to the rest of your body. The bottom number is the ‘diastolic’ number and it’s the pressure endured by the heart itself and your lungs. The closer your number is to 120/80 or under, the less pressure your heart has to use to push blood and oxygen out to your body and the less pressure your arteries have to endure.

Fasting Glucose (or Fasting Blood Sugar): under 99 (75-99)
Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c): under 6%
Fasting Insulin: under 10
Many of you are concerned about diabetes and in order to avoid it you must pay attention to your sugar numbers … all of them. The higher your numbers, the closer to diabetes you become, the more weight you gain, the more tired you feel, the more heart problems you could have. Get your sugars under control with diet and exercise.

Total Cholesterol: under 200 (150-200)
HDL: above 50
LDL: under 100
Triglycerides: under 100
Much like diabetes, cholesterol is a huge concern and very important to get under control. The more cholesterol you have in your system, the more atherosclerosis that builds up on your arteries which can lead to blocks in your blood supply.

Waist Circumference: under 35 inches in women, under 40 inches in men
Using a tape measure or piece of string, measure around your bare belly just above your hip bones at your natural waist. If you not under 35 inches (ladies!), then you are really putting your health at risk. This means you have more of an apple shape and more fat around your organs in that spare tire centered around the middle.

Waist to Hip Ratio: under 0.7inches in women, under 0.9inches in men
Now that you have your waist circumference (above), measure around your hips at the widest point. Then divide your waist by your hip (waist/hips) and make sure you’re under. This marker also lets you know if you have that unhealthy fat centered around your organs creating a spare tire. This is the fat you need to get rid of for your health.

Body Mass Index (BMI): under 25
This is a calculation of your height and weight. It does not take into account your fat versus your muscle however it’s a good starting point and a wake-up call if you’re up in the 30’s or even 40’s of the BMI chart.