Give it the “old college try” with a serious effort to achieve fat loss and weight loss for one week! Even if its just 1 lost pound of fat, that’s progress! You need to start this good habit of regular exercise and healthy eating (if you haven’t done so already).

Weight often comes off easily at the beginning of a workout program. All it takes is 3 days of full-body circuit weight training (30 minutes per session) and 2-3 days of interval cardio sessions (20 minutes per session). Just rotate weight training and cardio days.

A shorter, more intense 30 minute full-body circuit weight training workout will work better than a 1 hour weight training workout when you are trying to lose body fat and weight. A circuit workout is one in which you do one exercise after the other with little or no rest between exercises. Also, change up your cardio routines such as rotating treadmill, biking, stair-stepper and swimming. Be sure to take at least one day of rest.

You also need a healthy meal plan. Use this week to break bad eating habits. If you will severely limit foods like sugary foods/drinks, processed foods and fast foods, you will be making major progress. Replace these foods with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and drinks like water and unsweetened tea.

You need to know your basal metabolic rate-BMR (how many calories your body would burn each day if you did nothing). Base your daily caloric intake on your BMR and activity level. You will gain weight even on the days you work out really hard, if you consume more calories than you burn.

Keep in mind that it is more important to lose body fat and to lose inches than it is to lose weight. Have your body fat percentage checked and your circumference measurements done by a trainer to see how much fat and inches you have lost over time. Muscle weighs more than fat, so your body could be shrinking. The weight loss will take care of itself.

The important thing to do for this week is to begin to make a lifestyle change. This means you will commit to exercise regularly and eat healthy for the rest of your life. When you do that, you will win the fitness war even if you lose a few battles along the way. Keep exercising and eating healthy and your heart, mind and body will thank you!

Here are some other things you should be doing during this week:

1. Get an accountability partner (such as a friend, workout partner or personal trainer) to hold you accountable to your exercise and nutrition goals;

2. Keep a daily food journal to track your intended goals and actual eating patterns. Review and recommit to every nutrition goal every week or replace foods that don’t work for you;

3. Stay compliant with your “new healthy meal plan” at least 90% of the time; and

4. Recommit yourself every day to your exercise and nutrition goals because its what you really want to do. Some call it willpower. You'll be healthier, happier and weigh a little less!

Mark Dilworth, Certified Personal Trainer
Her Fitness Hut