Do you like your job? Is it good for your health? A research study focusing on 12,000 nurses suggests that a stressful job increases your risk for heart disease by 35 percent. More specifically, it greatly affects women under the age of 50. Other studies show that women are five times more likely to have metabolic syndrome if they were chronically stressed.

Stress at work can contribute to emotional upset, depression, elevated blood pressure, poor diet choices, weight gain and obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, insomnia, fatigue, and more.

I always ask women who see me about their stress and more often than not it involves their families, money woes, and/or their job. Jobs with high demand and little control can create a lot of problems because in this economy people are often afraid to rock the boat or voice their opinion in fear of being let-go. Many are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated which is leading to your stress hormones, cortisol, DHEA, and adrenaline upsetting your heart (and waist line!)

If this sounds like you and speaking with your superior or human resources is out of the question, then look for ways to release your stress in other ways. Remember to eat three regular meals, drink at least eight glasses of water, and go easy on the caffeine which can make things worse. Find ways to relax and let-go with exercise, gardening, yoga, meditation, crafting, or reading. Take some time for yourself and do a few deep breaths during the day. Get out at lunch and take a quick ten minute walk in the open air. Play the radio loudly on the way home and sing your heart out. Call your girlfriends and get a pedicure. Whatever it takes for you to relax protect your heart.