Looking for a way to help your heart, increase your energy and lose weight? The supplement L-Carnitine might be your answer. This amino acid is made from lysine and methionine and helps move fatty acids into your mitochondria for energy with the help of vitamin C, B3, B6, and iron.

L-Carnitine has been shown to be beneficial in bone formation, blood sugar imbalances, sperm development (male fertility), muscle support, and heart health.

For weight loss and endurance, L-Carnitine has been shown in some studies to stimulate your body to burn triglycerides during exercise which burns more fat and improves stamina. Other studies have shown no effect, although no side effects were noted either.

For your heart, studies have shown that L-Carnitine given immediately after a myocardial infarction (MI) have improved clinical outcomes. It may also improve angina episodes and long term outcome from heart failure.

You can get this wonderful amino acid through your diet by eating red meat, dairy products and tempeh and most people are able to eat their way to adequate levels in their body. Only those who have a metabolic disorder may not be able to get enough.

Many people ask if there is a difference between L-Carntine and Aceytl-L-Carnitine and there is. The Aceytl form is more beneficial for neurotransmitter support and neuroprotection such as in dementia and alzheimer’s.

Many studies recommend dosages between 1000mg and 4000mg per day. For exercise purposes, it should be taken just before on an empty stomach. Remember, it’s not a magic pill however it could help support your hard efforts of a healthy lifestyle and daily exercise.
